- United States, Fairfield


Anonymizer is a service to anonymously visit and unblock Youtube

You can use VPN (Virtual Private Network) service to bypass a local ban on visiting certain sites. It can be used as anonymizer for YouTube, which delivers free and unlimited access to the Youtube.com website, even if this web resource is blocked by system administrators of the company.

User-friendly and simple service suggests the use of special software which encrypts incoming and outgoing traffic, not allowing the firewall to identify it and changing the IP-address of the workstation at the same time.

In fact, the user of this modern software is sending his/her request not to the blocked web resource, but rather to one of the remote servers, which then redirect it to the right site. A personal "virtual tunnel" is created which exchanges the encrypted data. The user is free to visit any pages while the blocking system does not register any suspicious activity.

Anonymizer performs all data processing operations online using the computing resources of the server, thus the work of VPN service does not impede desktop computer performance when watching YouTube videos, even in HD quality.

All these operations almost completely eliminate the possibility of tracking down the forbidden traffic, allowing the user to browse videos on the popular site YouTube incognito through the anonymizer.

Why would you need such software

Most often, the access to recreational resources is being restricted by the information policy of the employer. Work computers of many companies and offices are cut off from social networks, video sharing websites, forums and other entertainment media. The company's management together with the system administrator make a list of sites that, in their opinion, adversely affect the efficiency of staff. Such addresses are added to the database of the server hosting the company’s traffic protection and filtering system.

Any request from the workstations associated with restricted addresses is automatically blocked. You cannot deceive such a system even if you use the so-called "mirror sites", because the end point of your route is nevertheless the same banned site.

If YouTube is blocked at work, the anonymizer is just about the only way to regain access and visit the site without any restrictions. VPN user can freely watch videos whenever s/he wants to. And the management will never know about this violation of the ban, as all and any visits to YouTube through the anonymizer are displayed in daily traffic statistics as exchange of encrypted data between virtual server and unknown workstations. This is achieved through data encoding and the option of occasionally changing the IP-address.

How to use VPN service

The work of the anonymizer is divided into two parts: part of the operations is carried out on the remote server, and some - on the user's computer. A special application must be installed on the workstation to encrypt the outgoing requests. This application is a small program that can be downloaded from the internet. You can then use the anonymizer for YouTube or any other entertainment web resources for free.

It is recommended to choose the websites of known developers of such software. Quality software from trusted companies is your guarantee of anonymity and security of personal data and corporate information on your computer.

How does it work?

SecureVPN is our VPN service including a network of servers located in different parts of the globe. Since VPN is a Virtual Private Network, it uses the Internet to work. In other words, VPN provides the connection between multiple nodes of the network through the World Wide Web.

Upon completing simple setup process for special software your computer becomes one of the elements of a virtual private network and is able to freely access a variety of Internet resources. Since all data from the Internet will be forwarded to you through one of our servers in encrypted form, YouTube traffic will not be traced by either your provider or system administrator. Thus, nothing and no one is no longer able to block your access to this video resource, as it is impossible to determine which website you are currently viewing.

Moreover, our VPN service guarantees complete anonymity of actions and secure connection to the server, so you need not worry about the safety of your personal data.

Try using SecureVPN during the trial period and enjoy all the delights of our solution!


