- United States, Seattle


VPN provider is a reliable guarantee of security on the Internet

Industrial espionage has become an intrinsic part of the Internet after many businesses almost completely migrated to the global network. The demand for services to guarantee security on the Internet is constantly growing, and there are more and more paid VPN providers. Gradually, VPN (Virtual Private Network) becomes just as essential on personal computers and mobile devices as a browser and Skype.

Most of the information transmitted over the Internet via a standard HTTP-protocol is unprotected and transmitted in an open form. Online stores and banks, for the most part, use the system of certificates and relatively secure connection via HTTPS (SSL) protocol. But security of e-mail correspondence and communication via various messengers (Skype, ICQ) rests solely on the users.

Technically, any administrator of the Internet service provider can automatically collect passwords and content of the correspondence of the vast majority of subscribers. There is a large number of software to do that which can be used even by an ordinary high school student. Therefore, to ensure a proper level of security of business and communication on the Internet, you must make some effort.

What is VPN

There is a solution, which, on the one hand, does not require special technical skills to be installed, and on the other hand - securely encrypts all traffic. It's called VPN (Virtual Private Network), and it is a kind of an "add-on structure" over the Internet. Originally VPN was created as a symbiosis of protocols, cryptographic algorithms and other security solutions for personal computers, but with the development of mobile devices the technology was adapted for them, too.

All VPN connections are made on the basis of open networks, but the security is ensured by means of modern cryptography: authentication, encryption, modification and repetition protection, and public keys infrastructure. Provided all components are properly configured, the VPN connection guarantees a high level of protection and anonymity in any network, including the Internet.

The virtual network created with the help of VPN is based on the method of PPP encapsulation in the IP, for example, PPPoE (Ethernet) or PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling). Access server is responsible for the connection of any remote user to the VPN network, while the login procedure itself consists of two stages - identification and authentication. After that, the object is granted the respective rights sufficient for the access.

Advantages of using paid VPN providers

Paid VPN providers offer the opportunity to make use of all VPN advantages using the applications developed by them. This is, firstly, quite convenient, secondly, opens up additional features, which are often very useful. The most common services on the lists of paid VPN providers include the following:

These additional services are not always needed, but there are times it is hard to get by without them. In some cases, paid VPN providers offer the basic anonymizer and data encryption functions for free and charge money for the use of other services.

One of the world's largest paid VPN providers is called Cryptocloud / Torrentfreedom. This company focuses primarily on security for the users of P2P-networks, the most famous of which is BitTorrent. OpenVPN technology was taken as the basis, which allows you to quickly and easily connect to both public and private torrent trackers regardless of their location.

The system supports the most common operating systems, including Mac OS X and Android. The security of transmitted data is provided by the 2048-bit key, while RSA-1024 is used to connect to the server. The system does not store any personal information and the encryption key is changed automatically every twenty minutes. Such unprecedented security measures guarantee the protection of data on the users' computers. The recent merger with cryptocloud.com service opened way to a wide range of network security tools built on the basis of cloud technologies.

In Russia, one of the prominent companies to deliver high quality VPN connection services for personal computers and miscellaneous mobile devices is SecureVPN. Perfectly balanced software solutions for users with different needs and requirements deliver the necessary protection, high performance and ease of use; while the optimal price / quality ratio helps the company to be among the recognized world leaders in this industry.


